So much change with being here at a beach front school and yes, you can see the beach from the windows in the hallways. Each of the kids got to pick out one new outfit for school, a very large change from the past, all of our school supplies were provided, even back-packs (not done yet), their breakfast and lunch is provided, and Parker (our 3-year-old) gets to attend school all day, the bus picks and drops off at the front door too...Oh, and Anna was chosen by her new principle to represent the school at the monthly Superintend ant's Advisory Meetings. So much favor and we are so grateful for absolutely everything that we are blessed with! Thank you, Lord. Wiley and Anna have also lost a couple of teeth at the same time in the past couple of weeks too. That Tooth Fairy fund is amazing. We go to the beach most days after school for a little boogie boarding and skim boarding. There are no extra curricular activities here on the peninsula since the Hurricane Ike one year ago, we are fine with that and embracing the ease of no 'scheduled practices' at a ball field. These kids of ours are so resilient, thank God.
So, we also have a pretty cool trip that Trey will be taking at the end of this month. He will be traveling to Flagstaff, Arizona, to meet with engineers from NAU about building a water treatment/sewer facility in the colonia in Roatan. Quick background: a few years ago, some engineers from NAU took a mission trip to Roatan through Living Water for Roatan (our dear friends) and felt moved to put them on their list to receive the benefits of the funding of a waste water treatment system/sewer plant. They have moved up the list and now are contenders for the funding and this could be a reality for the people of the colonia that have zero indoor plumbing. God works in mysterious ways and this is just another example of how great His reach is.
Trey actually had quite the events fall into place in getting him to Flagstaff. First of all, he waited to book the flight so that he could be certain of what time to arrive, in that time the flight doubled in price. So, he checked into staying over one night for a better fare, this worked. Only problem, he flies into Phoenix (Flagstaff is a very small airport), which is 3 hours from Flagstaff. So, Trey contacted another meeting attendee, Dr. Patrick, to see if he could catch a ride to the meeting. Well, he says he is planning on taking his private plane and that Trey could tag along. Seriously, how much more "open" does the door have to be? So, Trey will fly to Phoenix, catch a ride with Dr. Patrick and they will meet with Henry and Frances of LW4R and the engineers of NAU. It gets better. Trey remembered that Tom Hackett of Alternative Missions has a condo in Phoenix, Tom and his wife, Linea are actually going to be there and he offers for to Trey stay the night. Just so happens, that our family needs to speak with Tom about mission work and our future endeavors. Man, when you pray for all doors to open, they do!
Please pray for our family that we find our way and follow what He has planned for us.
Take Care and God Bless,
Trey and Connie