So, after breakfast we went to the beach, which we totally have to ourselves at that time of morning. Saw some people that we met yesterday (from Northern California) and had a pretty cool snorkel. We saw starfish, squid, a sea snake, flounder, a blow fish and several other cool fish. Good stuff.
Anna and Parker had their hair braided, they look like little island girls, too cute. Ms. Yolanda had a great time doing their hair and even stopped to take a picture with each of them. This island is very friendly.
Today was supposed to be a cruise ship day, every other Thursday a ship comes in, today was supposed to be one from Galveston but they ended up cancelling this stop. Everyone on the island is very aware of when ships will be docking. Yes, the economy is totally driven
by tourism and the ships are a very large part of that. So, the rumor is true, the beaches fill up on cruise days which are Wednesday and Friday every week and every other Thursday.
So, after lunch and naps, we headed back to the beach and watched the sun set and played on the beach. The kids were out by 8 sharp, no pushing needed, they are wiped out everyday.
Tomorrow we are booked with Henry and Frances to check out LW4R and what they have going on over there with the colonia (an impoverished community of locals).
Take care and God bless.
Wow Connie! Sounds like you are living quite the life in Roatan. I'm jealous. It looks beautiful there! Stella is doing great, hangin' with Hank and enjoying this hot, humid Texas heat!!!! Tell the kids we say hello. Can't wait to see you all.