Then, we had to head out because a family checked in for the weekend so we headed to San Antonio to Trey's brother's house. It was a great time and a chance for the kids to see their only first first cousin, Owen (although, another cousin is on the way in November). We actually looked at some land and some different areas that we have always been interested in; since we first met, Trey and I have always said that we would end up in the Hill Country of Texas or on a beach somewhere... seriously.
So, one of the rentals that we looked
into got rented, when we pulled up to the house, they let us know that they were the new tenants. Another door closed, lets get this show on the road already. We found some awesome tracts of land, some with seasonal creeks, awesome views, you name it, we just are not sure that we should let it ride just yet...
After a full weekend in San Antonio we headed back to the beach house in anticipation of spending a week or two in solace in order to finish a few things that have lingered (ie: garage apt., outdoor speakers, etc.) as well as make some major decisions about where we are going to settle down.
Well, another door closed, the beach house rented for the week (totally awesome mixed blessing) so we had to find somewhere else to go. Goodness, can we get a break? We got into Crystal Beach at midnight and left at 10am that next morning. Where were we going? Good question. We headed to Madisonville, Texas, about 90 miles north of Conroe, our home town. Our very good friends,
Brandon and Fawn Creighton have a ranch that they offered up to us; we have such great favor! Well, once again, the kids went crazy for this 'new' place, they want to move here...these kids are so great, what can't they go through and just keep 'keeping on'? How many places can we drag them and have them just say, "can we move here?" God, to be a kid again...I wish we could bottle up their enthusiasm for life. Still not sure where we need to be. It has been a week since we got back from Roatan and we are still very 'shaken', not sure where to plant our roots, but very sure that we have an awesome calling and will go wherever called. Wherever that may be. Man, Henry, He sure does have a way of 'messing with us.'
So, we have ridden the TRex all over this ranch, fished, hunted for cicadas and all sorts of bugs, followed the cattle, pet giant cows, too much to name. It has been quite the journey. One minute we are in Roatan, Honduras (kids ready to move there), next minute we are in Crystal Beach, Tx (kids ready to move there) and then in San Antonio area (kids ready to move there), then on a ranch in Madisonville, Tx (kids ready to move there)...
We are planning to visit my dad in Florida and some very good friends in the Dallas area either before or after, whichever works out best. So, what after that? Good question.Not sure.
Please pray that we will see that clearly-spelled-out-plan for the Vick family! We need eyes that will see and hearts that will accept, also minds that will agree. We love our family and friends, even those that we have just recently met, thank you for loving us unconditionally, we love you and will forever be grateful.
Take care and God bless!
We ride by YOUR place going to church and look and do not see you guys...we so much miss you guys what an impact the VICK family had on me and frances...we pray for you and will pray specific for where God is leading..think i heard HIM messing with me telling you to COME HOME! TO ROATAN!