The past couple of weeks have been crazy with preparing for the Dwellings house build and then the actual week-long erection of the home in Gravel Bay, Roatan Bay Islands. It was a very intense time in that the days began at sun-up and did not end until sun-down while the temperatures were reading around 95 with a feels-like temp of about 120 or so and full-on humidity. The guys were such troopers and we actually got to host Tom and Dennis from Alternative Missions at our house. What a treat to hang out with friends from the states and actually take part in building a home for a family in need. The family was not just in need, but dire need, the single mom of three had a dirt floor and tin walls combined with an outdoor shower/sink/kitchen area that was one in the same; no indoor plumbing or electricity and no relief from the heat or bugs. This family actually got to see a modern day modern day miracle: God's people giving unconditionally. We are all these people, we just need to follow through with the many ways HE has lead us to give back to the community. A smile, a pleasant conversation in passing, a sandwich, or even a house; what have you been called to do? Do it with pleasure in your heart and you too shall be blessed.
love reading your posts. i dont always comment but i always read them and pray for you all. we are meeting with lw4r in florida the middle of may!! =)