Apparently, when you live on a tropical island for the better part of a year, there are a whole host of guests that creep into your life. We have had friends, family, honey bees, tarantulas, geckos, monkey lalas, mice, rats, ants....what are we forgetting here? Oh, that's right, BOA CONSTRICTORS! How on earth did that not top our list of guests? The two sweeties were perched above our washing machine, hissing due to the fact that we had spoiled their slumber. Yes, hissing at me after I had finished what was my fourth load of laundry....I am guessing they were pretty peaved at that point. Ezekial, the gardener of the house we rent, called his brother to come and help remove the boas and of course get rid of them. Little did I know that they were about four feet long and pretty much harmless unless you are a small animal or child. They put them to rest and we later found out that most locals do not appreciate visitors killing the animals of the island. We should have simply bagged them and released them elsewhere....yeah, right. In Texas we kill snakes, sorry, but that is what we do. Grab a shovel!
We have had about five weeks straight of rain and a handful of tropical storms come over the island. The pool overflowed continuously but we always had water in our cistern. Non-stop rain on an island is not fun with four kids, let's just say that God knew we needed the sun, bad. The morning after or latest tropical storm, full-on sun and perfectly flat turquoise water, heaven.
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Family
LOVE this post! Hate the snakes! Yes. I agree. Snakes would die at my house too! Thank you for loving on so many here. You have touched so many lives. Love you tons!