Today was day two of vbs at the Colonia. Those kids are amazing. They were there eagerly awaiting our arrival, figuring out which one of us they were going to hug first or who's back they were going to jump onto. They are so loving and willing to trust.
Anna and Wiley are beginning to grow friendships and bond with a couple of the kids. Their closest buddy so far is Ashlie and Aylisa was right by Anna's side all morning. It is amazing that even with a language barrier all kids speak one very common language,
unconditional love. We played lots of games, colored and read a Bible story today. Anna has even expressed an interest in possibly sharing her testimony with the other children, she is such a great kid.
Anna and Wiley are beginning to grow friendships and bond with a couple of the kids. Their closest buddy so far is Ashlie and Aylisa was right by Anna's side all morning. It is amazing that even with a language barrier all kids speak one very common language,
After lunch, Trey, Anna and Wiley joined the mission team in their effort to give a bible to every single home in the Colonia. They split up into several teams to cover more ground and will continue this process on Thursday
afternoon as well. After they gave the bible to the family they offered to pray with them if they wanted to do so. There are close to 600 actual homes that will have a bible by the end of the week and the knowledge that someone actually cared enough to bring it to them and pray with them.
Tomorrow afternoon the plan is for the 'gringos' to redeem themselves in a heated soccer game. Not sure if we mentioned what awesome soccer players those kids are, but goodness, they are awesome. Most without shin guards, and a few without shoes, survival of the fittest on that field. These kids are amazing.
We had a couple of short power outages today, at
least the wind was blowing and the house was cool when we were home. Trey and Wiley tried a new home made tortilla recipe, this one is the ticket. Just like the tortillas at Papasito's and Taco Cabana, muy bien!
Once again, thank you to everyone for the great feedback, comments and emails, this really keeps us going and lets us know that we are definitely having a positive impact on those closest to us as well as anyone else that may stumble upon us.
Take care and God bless!
Connie, I have truly enjoyed reading about your journey and have constantly asked myself what i could do to help and make a difference. I LOVE that they play soccer and am wondering if they are in need of soccer balls? shoes maybe? I was thinking that I could reach out to my teams and to the league and see if I could drum up some donations. I still play here on a women's team as well as a coed team and I have also been coaching Reese's team. I feel sure that I could get some people to help. It may not be much, but it could be a start of something. Let me know what you think ( Talk to you soon! Be safe!