Today was the second to last day of vbs with the mission team from Roopeville, GA. The kids of the Colonia are really growing attached to the team and we are just delighted to be a part of the whole thing. Anna and Wiley have quite a following, the kids just gravitate toward them. We have to remind Wiley that playing in this kind of dirt may not be such a great idea (no sewer systems or plumbing). We all end up sitting on the dirt and holding not so clean hands, but it really is no big deal when you see those great big smiles. Anna gave her testimony today, she was nervous but
This afternoon's soccer tournament was a success for the gringos (3-2) so they were excited and the achy muscles were well worth it. I got a shot of Trey after the victory, Wiley thought someone
had dumped water over dad's head because he was soaking wet. Too funny. A first for everyone was watching a work truck pull up and just drive through the middle of the soccer field during the game, our guys just looked at each other and the kids hardly noticed the truck. I guess they had some work to do right then. When the game got too extreme Anna and Wiley played a little pick-up game on the side lines with some of the younger kids. While we were finishing up our game, a Honduran girls team showed up to play a girls soccer team from Illinois that was in doing mission work. We stayed and watched them for a bit, they were really good.
Our power has been going off quite a
bit, so we have not been able to respond to email as frequently or get on Skype in the last couple of days, but no fear we will try to jump online when the juice is actually flowing.
Take care and God bless!
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