After getting through Halloween and being in charge of the haunted house at the kids' school, we barely got a breath of air when we began the journey into Thanksgiving. Our church hosted a HUGE potluck dinner at a local resort. It was absolutely beautiful with tons of food and fellowship, the kids swam and played while we all ate more than our bodies could possibly handle. We were not sure what to expect of a Thanksgiving in Honduras, but a great time was had by all along with many new memories. We actually spent Thanksgiving day at the beach with the kids.
December 11, 2010
October 30, 2010
First game of fall balll for the colonia Pirates
October 26, 2010
We thought our guests had ceased for a time, however, they had other plans....
Apparently, when you live on a tropical island for the better part of a year, there are a whole host of guests that creep into your life. We have had friends, family, honey bees, tarantulas, geckos, monkey lalas, mice, rats, ants....what are we forgetting here? Oh, that's right, BOA CONSTRICTORS! How on earth did that not top our list of guests? The two sweeties were perched above our washing machine, hissing due to the fact that we had spoiled their slumber. Yes, hissing at me after I had finished what was my fourth load of laundry....I am guessing they were pretty peaved at that point. Ezekial, the gardener of the house we rent, called his brother to come and help remove the boas and of course get rid of them. Little did I know that they were about four feet long and pretty much harmless unless you are a small animal or child. They put them to rest and we later found out that most locals do not appreciate visitors killing the animals of the island. We should have simply bagged them and released them elsewhere....yeah, right. In Texas we kill snakes, sorry, but that is what we do. Grab a shovel!
We have had about five weeks straight of rain and a handful of tropical storms come over the island. The pool overflowed continuously but we always had water in our cistern. Non-stop rain on an island is not fun with four kids, let's just say that God knew we needed the sun, bad. The morning after or latest tropical storm, full-on sun and perfectly flat turquoise water, heaven.
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Family
October 12, 2010
More Birthdays, Goodbyes and Travel.....
We saw our lastest house guest, Holden, return to Montgomery. It sure was fun having a teen ager around to help shuffle kids on the scooter and get to to know the youth that we spend so much time with. It seems like each young person that we have had as a guest in our home these last few months, has bonded with not only our kids and family but also with the youth group. It is so much fun to see the kids grow to know oneanother and build life long friendships. Both Holden and Taylor have succesfully recruited Kenfor, one of our youth group members, to come to the states once he gets his passport. We have some amazing kids here on Roatan and the more they can see outsiders that have willing hearts, the more they can visualize all the potential for their future through getting an education and never giving up.
Our oldest daughter, Anna, turned 11 last week. We had the youth group over to swim and play wii and eat cake and ice cream. It was a blast! The weather has been very rainy and cool at night, so the kids were freezing but loving every minute of throwing eachother into the pool and sliding on the make shift slip and slide on our tile patio. It was crazy and the best part was Anna getting her cake in her face, she loved every minute of it!
Trey and Mike's baseball is still going strong, twice a week practice with their first scrimmage this weekend! The kids are amazing and such a testament to what hard work and determination can do.
Please continue to pray for us as we make some large decisions about what our family will be doing at year-end. We have a great opportunity to possibly stay part time here on the island while spending the other part of the year back home, not sure where home would be, but it would be a great break both ways if it should work out that way. Eyes to see and ears to listen...
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Fam
September 23, 2010
Fall is here and a new guest arrives
Today is the first day of Fall and we are not anywhere near the cool temps most are enjoying back in the states. But, hey, we do live on a tropical island with year round warm temperature and beautiful blue water & white sandy beaches....some trade off, huh?
Parker just had her 4th birthday, it was so much fun. We had a Tinkerbell pinata that was bigger than her and the power was out the whole party too. Roatan! Gotta love not worrying about such things as melting icecream and the blistering heat and bugs while celebrating a young persons birthday. She had a blast and never even noticed that we didn't spend much but instead enjoyed every minute of us showering her with love.
Trey and I have taken a day here and there while Holden has watched the kids for us, some much needed time to just chill and enjoy the island. We went on a scooter ride across the island with our friends Jeremy and Melissa. It was like a mini vacation for us and we were only gone a few hours! This island is so beautiful. It is hard to believe that within such beauty there can be the inner areas that are so poverty stricken and in need while surrounded by abundance. We definitely have made a priority of making sure people that we know and meet are aware of what they can do to help.
Anna and Wiley were in the Honduras Indpendence Day parade, the first time their school has participated in this, so it was a very special day. It rained like crazy through the entire parade, sooo much fun for the kids and of course it gave us parents and teachers an excuse to act like kids too.
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Family
August 20, 2010
Summer is over and school has begun!
Summer is over? Where did it go? We have been so busy that when we finally look up and see that we are entering the end of August, it is a little mind boggling....Our last visitor, Lat Nichols - 14, just left last weekend and completed a week of serving the community and doing lots of fun island stuff, Anna and Wiley have started school at the bilingual school here in Sandy Bay and we are beginning to prepare for the many fall outreaches with the church as well as baseball season kicking off. Never a dull moment here in Roatan!
We are also in the midst of thinking about what we will be doing when we return to the states at the end of the year. So strange to actually talk about that and even more strange to know that this fall will fly by and we had better be prepared for all that God has ready for us. Our flights have to be booked by January 17th or we will lose them, so we now have to decide where in the world will the Vick family land next? We have a couple of different ideas as to what we might want to do, however, we are truly waiting to see where God leads us and what doors HE opens. Talk about dropping to our knees and letting HIM take control; faith in its most true form. This not the easiest thing to do, but we know that our needs will be met and that God has awesome things planned for our family.
Please continue to keep in touch and let us know what is going on in your lives! We love you guys and thank you for following our journey.
Take care and God bless,
Connie and family
We are also in the midst of thinking about what we will be doing when we return to the states at the end of the year. So strange to actually talk about that and even more strange to know that this fall will fly by and we had better be prepared for all that God has ready for us. Our flights have to be booked by January 17th or we will lose them, so we now have to decide where in the world will the Vick family land next? We have a couple of different ideas as to what we might want to do, however, we are truly waiting to see where God leads us and what doors HE opens. Talk about dropping to our knees and letting HIM take control; faith in its most true form. This not the easiest thing to do, but we know that our needs will be met and that God has awesome things planned for our family.
Please continue to keep in touch and let us know what is going on in your lives! We love you guys and thank you for following our journey.
Take care and God bless,
Connie and family
August 04, 2010
The half way mark!
So it has been six months now that we have been here in Roatan, Honduras. That's all???
Seriously though, it has flown by so quickly and we cannot even imagine how fast the next six will go by. After hosting many different families in our home as well as two teenagers, not to mention helping out lw4r with their short term mission teams; we will be ready for some down time to possibly get off island and perhaps hit the mainland for some regular ol family time. But it isn't over yet....
This fall we have a family from Michigan, the Corwins, that will be returning to Roatan, with their church this time, to help build a home for a needy family. We are so excited to have them on the island again because they are such an amazing family and we miss them like crazy. It will be very rewarding to stand beside them and serve in such a way for a family in need of a headstart to a better life.
Anna and Wiley will be starting school in a couple of weeks and we still have not decided whether we will take the traditional route and put them at the bilingual school or try our hands at home school again....hmmm, there are pros and cons to both choices and we just want to enable our children to flourish in whatever environment they are in. Either way, we will be very busy making sure they have a great education while taking time to serve during our last few months here on the island.
We look forward to hearing from everyone, drop us a line if you get a chance!
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Family
Seriously though, it has flown by so quickly and we cannot even imagine how fast the next six will go by. After hosting many different families in our home as well as two teenagers, not to mention helping out lw4r with their short term mission teams; we will be ready for some down time to possibly get off island and perhaps hit the mainland for some regular ol family time. But it isn't over yet....
Trey and his buddy Mike Tiche are getting the colonia baseball team ready to compete in the fall as well. These kids are amazing and have grown like you wouldn't believe in their skills and eagarness to learn. Each kid is so unique and has such potential to anything they want in life; maybe being part of this baseball team will help them get ready for all that God has planned for them.
We look forward to hearing from everyone, drop us a line if you get a chance!
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Family
Short Term Missions, House Builds and More Goodbyes...
The last two months have been so much work but so rewarding all at the same time. We had five weeks straight of short term mission teams with lw4r. This was an opportunity for us to help shuttle people, participate in VBS, take rice and beans to families and really just a way for us to help enable people with an abundance to give to others in need. So much more to be said about all that occurred during the past few weeks, so many milestones and revelations about what our time here means and what it can mean to others that may not be able to actually be here in person but can participate from home.
So, this Sunday we will be dropping off Taylor and picking up Anna...we will miss Taylor and we have definitely missed Anna! So looking forward to catching up with our Anna and her adventures while in the states the past two and a half weeks.
July 17, 2010
Saying Goodbye is Never Easy
This week we had a blast with the short term mission team from Roopeville, Georgia. Having met them last summer, we picked up right where we left off and never missed a beat. Anna and the youth pastor, Chris Altman, were up to their old pranks and rest of the team made it feel like we were back home with southern friends again. Just hearing their accents when they speak was refreshing to us!
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Family
July 15, 2010
It has been an absolute whilrwind around here!
The last two weeks for us have comprised of spending most of our time in la colonia with the short term mission teams. It has been crazy busy and we are enjoying every minute of it! Well, the heat is a bit much, but at least we are surrounded by water to cool off with!
The team from Talapoosa, GA was awesome last week. They had VBS, discipleship classes, soccer and baseball sports camps, delivered rice and beans to homes and so much more simply by setting a good example for other youth in la colonia. This team is amazing in that they really bond with many of the youth and plan to skype with one of the lw4r interns to check on the youth and continue to keep up with all that is going on here with us and the kids in la colonia. We sure do miss 'em!
One of the young adults from this team actually just announced to his church that he would like to serve in music ministry for his career! Trey and I plan to help get him back to Roatan to help out before school starts again in the fall.
July 06, 2010
Fourth of July in Roatan, Honduras
On Saturday, after we picked up the team from Talapoosa, GA we got them settled in at the SonRise Mission Inn in Sandy Bay, grabbed some lunch and headed for church set-up. Sunday we had church and take-down then an afternoon of swimming and hanging out as we prepared for the week ahead.
Here are a few shots of children's church and the take-down side of all that goes into a church without a permanent home. It is amazing that all of the equipment fits into a small enclosed trailer, it is like a jigsaw puzzle getting everything inside it. We also started a toddler classroom about two months ago and it is going really well; this enables the children's church to really blossom and pay attention to the lesson. Good stuff.
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Fam
connie vick,
Mission Work,
Roatan Honduras,
Roatan Mission Work,
trey vick
July 04, 2010
Dropping off and Picking up...
So, every Saturday for the next few weeks we will continue to drop off one short term mission team and pick up another one. It can be fun to go to the airport because you never know who you might see and get to catch up with. It is also quite a sight to see our little pick-up loaded down with luggage as well as the lw4r truck all loaded down and then a van and another SUV busting at the seems with people. We will definitely have to get a shot of that and post it so that all can truly appreciate it.
This should be an exciting week and we look forward to sharing with you!
In the pictures above: Anna is with Aylisa, a girl from the colonia that she met last summer (see 7-6-09 blog); Wiley is in the window of the open-air church; and Anna and Eduardo are running around the house that the team added onto.
Take care and God bless,In the pictures above: Anna is with Aylisa, a girl from the colonia that she met last summer (see 7-6-09 blog); Wiley is in the window of the open-air church; and Anna and Eduardo are running around the house that the team added onto.
Connie and Family
June 29, 2010
New Team Arrives
Trey helped pick up the first short term team of the summer for lw4r at the airport. They ended up bringing in a ton more baseball stuff, so we are set to have some major baseball going on here in Roatan. Might even get the men's baseball team to get involved and a teenage team started. Good stuff.
Tonight we are going to what is supposed to be an amazing puppet show that the team has hired. This will be up in the colonia and should be fun for the kids.
Take Care and God Bless,
This week Trey will be helping the team get from one place to another as well as assisting with some of the construction that they have going on. The kids and I will be going to the VBS in the afternoons as well as photographing the team and the different projects that they have going on this week. The team is adding two rooms to a house, shelving and ventilation to a storage building, laying some water pipe, doing bible studies, vbs and distributing food; all much needed and very appreciated.
Take Care and God Bless,
Last Day of School and Kindergarten Graduation!
So, we had our last day of school and Wiley graduated from kindergarten. They had a huge celebration and the entire school (about 75 kids) got to watch the program. Afterward they had food and a present exchange with one-another. He is growing up so fast, we can hardly believe it. We'll be the first to say that he LOVES school; playing with his friends and digging in the dirt, but he could probably care less about learning in general. If it doesn't involve cars, mud or catching bugs, you probably won't get his attention very well. Thank God he had Mrs. Eleanor, she was a champ and able to keep an entire classroom of boys in their seats and learning. We will miss her next year but will move full speed ahead into first grade in the fall at SBAS.
The older classes got to participate in their own last day of school celebrations: high school dance line, art presentation, end of year slide show, LOTS of food and the roatan radio show. Check it out, the director of their school and Anna's teacher are two of the DJs, Athena and DJ Duke, cool stuff on the island of Roatan. Anna got to talk on the radio, she was so excited about it too, made us proud to see her jump right in. That would be a great job one day!
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Fam
June 27, 2010
Moving, Baseball and Friends from Texas, It doesn't get much better than this...
So, after spending the first half of this year getting all settled into a house here on Roatan, we have moved into a different house in a totally different area of the island. Some might say it is less safe, however, we have bars on the windows and a "watchie" to help keep intruders away. This island is not known for violent crimes, but break-ins are common and expected if you are careless.
We were moved into our new house less than a week when we welcomed Eric and Tara Kendrick and their two sons as guests. So exciting to see friends from Texas and to show them the island and all that we are involved with. They were even able to bring a few extra bags full of baseball equipment that many friends from home took time to collect. Thank you, Eric and Tara for lugging all that extra baggage along with your two babies and all that is required when traveling with kids!
We hit the beach, took them on a tour of the colonia and the water project with Henry from lw4r, visited the local Honduran school in the colonia, took he baseball team swimming, went snorkeling, and ate some great food. Time flew by and we miss our dear friends.
Connie and Family
June 09, 2010
Little Ones With Birthdays....My how time flies!
This past week we celebrated Laney's second birthday! We can hardly believe that it has already been two years since we were blessed with her arrival; she is so stinkin cute. It is amazing how quickly they develop their own little personalities and views of those around them, God bless her for dealing with three older siblings all the time. She is one tough cookie, we always call her our little bull-dog because she can face plant into the concrete and might cry for a second or two but always is ready to get back up and keep going.
Take Care and God Bless,
We have been without an oven for over a month now, so Melissa was so kind to jump in and volunteer to make Laney's birthday complete. So, Melissa ended up baking cupcakes and a cute tiny cake just for Laney. We celebrated after church set-up on Saturday and everyone was so excited to have a treat after our hard work. Thanks Melissa! And happy birthday little Laney lou!
connie vick,
Mission Work,
Roatan Honduras,
Roatan Mission Work,
trey vick
June 01, 2010
A new family arrives
The Tichi family recently arrived, they have three kids (6, 7, & 8), so our kids are pumped to have even more kids to hang out with and get to know. They are from Durango, Colorado and have made a three-year commitment to Living Water 4 Roatan. Wow, they are amazing in their faith and willingness to serve others!
Mike and Trey have been diving once or twice a week and getting to know the island kids that are the dive masters. Talk about some life stories; these kids from the island have had some pretty tough lives and know nothing else of what life could look like. It has become a great opportunity for a couple of good dads/husbands to minister to these kids about all the possibilities that this life has waiting for us all.
Last week, their family started taking a truck-load of kids from the colonia over to the ball field to play baseball. The kids are so interested in learning and playing sports; yet another great opportunity to take our kids and model what being a family can look like. The kids in the colonia have a very different view of how a family operates; abuse in every form imaginable, neglect, you name it. All it takes is the commitment on our part to model a positive lifestyle and they will never forget that there really is another way to do life. Praise God for this awesome opportunity to love on these kids and let them just be kids in an unconditional environment.
Today, we will hit the ball field and hope to eventually get a team or two put together for the fall ball season. Very cool stuff. Trey sent out an email to recruit donations of baseball equipment, lots of replies and people cleaning out their old ball bags to donate. Eric and Tara Kendrick and their two boys arrive on June 21st and it is looking like they will be bringing a couple of extra bags full of everyone's ball stuff! Thanks Kendrick family!
Take care and God bless,
Mike and Trey have been diving once or twice a week and getting to know the island kids that are the dive masters. Talk about some life stories; these kids from the island have had some pretty tough lives and know nothing else of what life could look like. It has become a great opportunity for a couple of good dads/husbands to minister to these kids about all the possibilities that this life has waiting for us all.
Last week, their family started taking a truck-load of kids from the colonia over to the ball field to play baseball. The kids are so interested in learning and playing sports; yet another great opportunity to take our kids and model what being a family can look like. The kids in the colonia have a very different view of how a family operates; abuse in every form imaginable, neglect, you name it. All it takes is the commitment on our part to model a positive lifestyle and they will never forget that there really is another way to do life. Praise God for this awesome opportunity to love on these kids and let them just be kids in an unconditional environment.
Today, we will hit the ball field and hope to eventually get a team or two put together for the fall ball season. Very cool stuff. Trey sent out an email to recruit donations of baseball equipment, lots of replies and people cleaning out their old ball bags to donate. Eric and Tara Kendrick and their two boys arrive on June 21st and it is looking like they will be bringing a couple of extra bags full of everyone's ball stuff! Thanks Kendrick family!
Take care and God bless,
May 11, 2010
New guests....creepy crawly ones!
Okay, so we signed up for this knowing that we would have to forgo many amenities, however, never in a million years did I ever think that we would be living with this many different creatures (inside our home), not near it or around it or passing by it, but literally INSIDE of it!
Our guests that never let us down are the geckos. They are actually pretty cool looking, they are almost albino looking and come in all sizes; small as a matchstick up to as long as a $1 bill. Just be careful when you are eating. If you should hear the familiar chirping sound that they make coming from above you on the ceiling, get out from under them, because they drop poop like a seagull. Too funny the first time that happened at the dinner table, PLOP! Right next to my plate of food; hey, it could have been IN my food.
We also have an unusual amount of gnats if we leave any kind of fruit out. Forget any crumbs on the floor, the wee-wee ants will come fetch it up for you. Also the fruit bats are all around under the eaves of the house. They have their own little chirping sound that they make too and then swoop down starting at sunset. The kids love scaring them, and of course, they are the first to run screaming away when they do swoop down.
Our newest guest was found on the ceiling of our bedroom. A black, fuzzy creature with eight legs; yes, a tarantula, above our bed…so, I was of course freaking out while Trey was balancing on a bar stool with a broom in one hand an empty Pringles can in the other, trying to shoo it into the can. What a sight to see Trey, the tarantula-whisperer at work. Too funny! He safely caught it and now Wiley has a new pet. The kids catch crickets or june bugs and feed the tarantula the live bugs. Spidey immediately pounces on them and sucks their juices out. EW!
We actually found a scorpion in our bathroom just recently. Must have been seeking water…along with all the frogs that hang out in our out door shower! The kids absolutely love taking a shower with all their “pet” frogs jumping across the shower and out into the jungle trees. Gotta love island life!
There is a large iguana that lives in a tree next to our house, the island guys are frequently stopping by to admire her. She is bright green and appears to be pregnant; a delicacy for the locals I have heard. I pray that she stays safe. The kids love looking for her and seeing if she has grown any larger.
Oh, and a cat had kittens in the woods near our house, so we are so excited about making friends with our newest neighbors. They are so stinkin cute! I better get out the sudafed and it that my kids are so into nature, where else could they experience all these walks of life at once? Embrace the day for sure.
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Family
Our guests that never let us down are the geckos. They are actually pretty cool looking, they are almost albino looking and come in all sizes; small as a matchstick up to as long as a $1 bill. Just be careful when you are eating. If you should hear the familiar chirping sound that they make coming from above you on the ceiling, get out from under them, because they drop poop like a seagull. Too funny the first time that happened at the dinner table, PLOP! Right next to my plate of food; hey, it could have been IN my food.
We also have an unusual amount of gnats if we leave any kind of fruit out. Forget any crumbs on the floor, the wee-wee ants will come fetch it up for you. Also the fruit bats are all around under the eaves of the house. They have their own little chirping sound that they make too and then swoop down starting at sunset. The kids love scaring them, and of course, they are the first to run screaming away when they do swoop down.
Our newest guest was found on the ceiling of our bedroom. A black, fuzzy creature with eight legs; yes, a tarantula, above our bed…so, I was of course freaking out while Trey was balancing on a bar stool with a broom in one hand an empty Pringles can in the other, trying to shoo it into the can. What a sight to see Trey, the tarantula-whisperer at work. Too funny! He safely caught it and now Wiley has a new pet. The kids catch crickets or june bugs and feed the tarantula the live bugs. Spidey immediately pounces on them and sucks their juices out. EW!
We actually found a scorpion in our bathroom just recently. Must have been seeking water…along with all the frogs that hang out in our out door shower! The kids absolutely love taking a shower with all their “pet” frogs jumping across the shower and out into the jungle trees. Gotta love island life!
There is a large iguana that lives in a tree next to our house, the island guys are frequently stopping by to admire her. She is bright green and appears to be pregnant; a delicacy for the locals I have heard. I pray that she stays safe. The kids love looking for her and seeing if she has grown any larger.
Oh, and a cat had kittens in the woods near our house, so we are so excited about making friends with our newest neighbors. They are so stinkin cute! I better get out the sudafed and it that my kids are so into nature, where else could they experience all these walks of life at once? Embrace the day for sure.
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Family
May 04, 2010
Ah, the joys of receiving email from home!
Wow, where to start? The outpouring of support from friends is just amazing! Since our last update we have gotten emails from many of you that are very encouraging; we cannot express enough our appreciation to each of you in how much this means to us.
Being so removed from the everyday grind is great in some ways but very tough in other ways. We miss our friends and family back home so much and could not possibly ever replace any of you. Just know that we think of you often and that we are in very good hands while here on the island. Our new friends here on the island are priceless. The fact that they survive each day what we go through and endure is a testament in itself to how strong they are. They have chosen to do life with us while we are here and we are grateful for it.
God has placed each one of you in our lives for very specific reasons and whether friend or foe, we are grateful to be given the opportunity to make the best out of every situation in HIS name.
Thanks again to everyone for shooting us an email, you have no idea how great it is to hear from each of you!
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Family
Being so removed from the everyday grind is great in some ways but very tough in other ways. We miss our friends and family back home so much and could not possibly ever replace any of you. Just know that we think of you often and that we are in very good hands while here on the island. Our new friends here on the island are priceless. The fact that they survive each day what we go through and endure is a testament in itself to how strong they are. They have chosen to do life with us while we are here and we are grateful for it.
God has placed each one of you in our lives for very specific reasons and whether friend or foe, we are grateful to be given the opportunity to make the best out of every situation in HIS name.
Thanks again to everyone for shooting us an email, you have no idea how great it is to hear from each of you!
Take Care and God Bless,
Connie and Family
April 27, 2010
Build a House and Family Comes In For a Visit!
The past couple of weeks have been crazy with preparing for the Dwellings house build and then the actual week-long erection of the home in Gravel Bay, Roatan Bay Islands. It was a very intense time in that the days began at sun-up and did not end until sun-down while the temperatures were reading around 95 with a feels-like temp of about 120 or so and full-on humidity. The guys were such troopers and we actually got to host Tom and Dennis from Alternative Missions at our house. What a treat to hang out with friends from the states and actually take part in building a home for a family in need. The family was not just in need, but dire need, the single mom of three had a dirt floor and tin walls combined with an outdoor shower/sink/kitchen area that was one in the same; no indoor plumbing or electricity and no relief from the heat or bugs. This family actually got to see a modern day modern day miracle: God's people giving unconditionally. We are all these people, we just need to follow through with the many ways HE has lead us to give back to the community. A smile, a pleasant conversation in passing, a sandwich, or even a house; what have you been called to do? Do it with pleasure in your heart and you too shall be blessed.
connie vick,
Mission Work,
Roatan Honduras,
Roatan Mission Work,
trey vick
April 23, 2010
Culture Day in Roatan, Honduras
Today we celebrated culture day at Anna and Wiley's school. The families at the school come from so many different cultures: Italy, Holland, Honduras, Canada, Costa Rica, USA, Mexico, and Great Britain just to name a few. Each family brought a dish from their native culture, we took queso & chips since we used to eat it all the time and it is pretty much served in every restaurant in Texas. We had pastelitos, empenadas, swedish meatballs, focaccia, pineapple bread, and so many dished that we couldn't even try all of them. Yummy! The kids performed skits and sang, there is so much talent at that school it is absolutely amazing. They raised a giant pole at the center of the play yard, it is called a "plait pole" in which each person holds onto a long ribbon that is attached to the top of the pole and they dance around it and weave the ribbons while doing so. It was so much fun and great to learn about a local traditional dance.
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